(Monday - Saturday)

Outdoor Advertising

We give the best Services

Should you be seeking a means of showcasing your company, item, or service in public places, outdoor advertising may be your best option. Our area of expertise is developing and overseeing advertising campaigns that make use of digital screens, billboards, posters, banners, and other media that may reach a wide range of people. We will help you with the planning, creation, management, and tracking of your advertisements, as well as the evaluation of their success. In accordance with your objectives, costs, and target audience. 

We can also recommend the ideal locations, and approaches for your outdoor advertisements.

It can effectively and economically reach an extensive and diverse audience.
It can influence consumer behaviour and preferences by being timely and relevant.
It can strengthen the overall impact of the campaign and supplement other media.


  • FiveFlats
    Ngara West
    Nairobi, Kenya
  • (+254) 733 2018 70


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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